Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas concert

Kate's Christmas concert was this week.  It's kind of nice the way her choir director does it, no extra monologue, no long explanations about the music, etc.  (That comes next week at the elementary school concert.)

I tried capturing it on video, but I didn't have the tripod, and Noel kept trying to get my attention, so the results in the video vary...

Friday, December 13, 2013

Old videos #9

Mary performing in the living wax museum - or whatever it is the school calls it - 20 March 2013

This is the last in a series of old videos that had been sitting on the camcorder.  Hope you enjoyed them.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Old Videos #8

Spontaneous dance party - 11 Nov 2012

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Old Videos #6

All the way through the 2012 school year, Tara and the kids took piano lessons.  At the end of the school year, they had an outdoor recital - 29 May 2012.  Then the piano teacher quit...

Monday, December 09, 2013

Old Videos #5

Ruth's first grade play - 23 May 2012.  The video is a bit long...

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Old videos #4

Mary at a school dance festival - 6 April 2012.  This was 4th grade.  No dance festival for Emma last year, the Chinese program didn't do it...

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Old Videos #3

Mary and Ruth in a school talent show - 24 Feb 2012

Now with shaky cam!

Friday, December 06, 2013

Old Videos #2

Emma creating a snowman - January 2012:

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Old Videos #1

I found some old videos on our camcorder, that were never posted here.  Today's subject?  Noel as a baby, October 2011:

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Setting up a Christmas tree

Setting up a Christmas tree at our house is a bit of an event, with so many hands wanting to help, and so many ornaments to put up.  It's so big, we have two trees.  Usually, the trees get put up, the lights on, then I have the kids line up to get ornaments to put on the tree.  They put their ornament on, then go to the back of the line.  I also tell them to alternate trees, so that both of them get roughly the same number of ornaments.

This year, I set up the camcorder in one of the rooms to video it.  Here it is, sped up 8 times:

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Random pictures

Turns out that out camcorder takes pretty poor pictures, but here are a few I found:

One day this will seem like a picture from long ago. 

I have no idea when, what, where, or why.  There were several like this.

This is actually a pretty cool effect.  I have no idea how it was done.  Maybe it's time to finally read the owner's manual. 

There he is again...

Monday, December 02, 2013

It's you, Dad!

Tara has made several little books with pictures of the family in them.  Noel like to go through them identifying each person.  If that person is around, she will run up to them.  "It's you, Dad, it's you!"

Lately, she's been going through other books as well, when she finds someone that looks halfway like a father figure, she comes and finds me, and says "it's you, Dad!"

Noel recently brought me the following:

"It's you, Dad, it's you!  But where is your hat?"

I'm not quite sure how to respond to that...

Sunday, December 01, 2013

The Fall

Cleaning the leaves out of all the hair afterwards took several days.