Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Restaurant Reviews

I have two restaurant reviews to do from the past few weeks:

Sam Hawk

I went to this Korean restaurant a few weeks ago with one of the Stake presidency. I forget what I had, I forgot the name of it about 3 minutes after I ordered it, but it was some sort of spicy chicken dish. Very spicy. Not that there is anything wrong with that. While we were waiting for our order, they brought out some little appetizers on little dishes for us. It was stuff like kimchi, little black beans, and some other stuff I didn't really know what it was, but it was tasty. I don't know how the place ranks in the world of Korean cuisine, but I liked it, and would go back again.

I have been having problems using my bipap lately, it is time for a new mask and tube, every time I use the thing, I end up sneezing all day the next day. The night before we went to Sam Hawk, I used my machine. After lunch, I was sneezing, but each sneeze left me with a good dose of "Spicy Korean food acid reflux". Good times. I'd still go back to the restaurant again...

International Buffet

A new restaurant recently opened in between Movies 8 and Shopko here in town. It bills itself as a "Chinese, Japanese, Italian, and American buffet." Ruth spent some time with me at my office one day last week, I took her to this restaurant to check it out. I liked it enough that on Monday, when Tara ended up picking me up from work, she looked like she needed more time than 10 minutes away from the girls, so I took her back to this place for dinner.

They have a mongolian barbque of sorts in it, a little sushi station, and lots of steamed shrimp. (Tara's favorite are those steamed then chilled shrimp.) What I think I like about this place is that they don't seem to care to dull down the taste of their dishes. Too many Chinese buffets make their dishes taste kind of bland, at least around here. (Is it the same in other places?) At this place, the foods actually have flavor. They at least taste like you would think they should. I liked the dim sum, which I guess was a number of the things sitting there. I couldn't figure out why they weere unlabeled until I went to Wikipedia and looked up dim sum. Turns out all those things were 'dim sum.' I don;t know if the sushi was good sushi, since I don't eat sushi all that often, but it doesn't matter, since any time I have sushi, I use generous portions of wasabi with it. (Cleans out the nasal passages in a hurry...)

When I was there with Ruth, they had fried mushrooms. Those things were good. Ruth and I both liked the fries they had. I liked the wontons, potstickers, and General Taos chicken, and a lot of the other stuff. It just had flavor.

Ruth's most favorite thing? Their dessert station had an ice cream section, they had about 6 different tubs of different flavors of ice cream. Nice touch, not just a soft serve ice cream machine most places have.

Anyhow, they look have way busy, at least the few times I have driven by there. Maybe they will stick around. Maybe it is about the flavor after all...

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