Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I made wings for dinner tonight. The oil was fresh, which is always a bonus. I have recently run out of my stock of Anchor Bar sauce, so I made my own sauce tonight. (I bought some Franks Red Hot at the store the other day.)

I could have made it a little spicier, but what I had was pretty tasty. (I could have done a little bit less butter, and a little more pepper, but how can you really go wrong, as long as you stay away from weird flavors...) I made about a dozen wings, Tara only ended up having 2 of them, so it meant more for me.

While eating the wings, I got some sauce that flung up into my left eye. It stung for about an hour, it was about 15 minutes before I could really open my eye, but in the end, it was worth it, those wings were pretty good.

The guys at work are yammering for wings, maybe sometime this week...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sauce in the eye? that's a new one!

every possible injury, John Payne. every possible injury.