Saturday, May 16, 2009

Elementary school track meet

Around here, the elementary schools do a track meet at the end of the year that for some reason is called the Hershey Track meet. (They do it over at one of the high schools, the school is not the Hershey school, and the mascot has nothing to do with chocolate.) We forgot our camera, as usual. Sorry, no pictures.

This year was Kate's first year to participate. She was in the 4x100 meter relay, and the 50 yard dash. She was the anchor leg of the 4x100.

Yesterday morning when she was getting ready for school, she put on a pair of sandals. We asked her why she was using those to run in, the answer was that she didn't have any sneakers to run in. I'm not sure why she waited until an hour before the track meet to mention this little fact. Tara ended up running to the store to get her some sneakers.

We got to the track, and gave Kate her new sneakers. The lady trying to organize the kids got upset when I went up there to give her her shoes. I ignored the lady. There was another Dad there who looked like he had just bought some new sneakers, but his daughter ended up not having socks, either. (At least Kate had some socks on.)

Kate's race started, but got stopped half way through. There was no explanation, they just had all the runners stand in the middle of the field. We didn't understand why they just didn't let them run. After a while, they got around to the 10-11 year old 4x100 relay, and for a few minutes, it looked like they might have the younger girls run with the older girls. I went down out fo the stands to the track to find out what the deal was, (and encourage them to not run the younger kids to run with the older kids.) the only response I got from those particular school people was "Parents should stay in the stands!" Sweet.

Kate eventually got to race again. They started the race, and the lady supervising the anchor leg was not paying attention and was walking away when the race started. She tried waving her flag to stop the race again, and pulled Kate and the other girls off the track. They kept running the race, so the lady ran back and had the girls run back to get ready to go.

Kate finally got the baton, and started running. Except she acted like her pants were going to fall down. And she was waving and talking to people as she ran by. At least she had a good time.

When we were ready to go, I got the van, and drove around to the other side of the track to pick up the girls, there was a small parking lot there. One of the older school people was there guarding the lot. I stopped the van and got out, and started walking (limping) to where Tara would have been, the lady made me go back and move the van. I circled the block, came back, and a truck with a trailer full of wood was trying to get in the lot, but nosed himself further in, and had to do some sort of 47-point turn to get himself out. More cirlcing the block. Tara was having trouble corralling Ruth and Lily. We eventually got out of there, but not without some stress.

We have at least 10 more years of dealing with the Hershey track meet...

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