Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dinner is my favorite meal of the day

Tonight we had Drew, Kaylyn, and crew over for dinner. Steve was also here. In the middle of Priesthood meeting this morning, a number of servers turned up down, by the time I got home, the number was up around 100...

I looked at the problem for a while, until it was clear that I had nothing else of value to add to the discussion with the network engineers, and had to wait for them to figure out what was going on. The only thing I could do was disable the notification in the monitoring that sends me text messages about servers.

Having a full head of steam and no where to relieve the pressure, I took a short nap. When I woke up from the nap, I decided that I wanted ravioli for dinner. I have no idea where that came from. Maybe I was dreaming about that restaurant Rob took Jess and I to.

I ended up making a pasta that was about a third whole wheat flour, and a pretty good meat filing for the ravioli. I guess I should have either done a little less wheat flour, or added some other flavor to the pasta, because the wheat taste overpowered the filling taste quite a bit. I had plenty of sauce, so I don't think it matter all that much, but next time maybe I will try some other flavor. Maybe "chicken wing ravioli".

I say next time as if it will be any time soon. Home made pasta takes a long time to make, at least compared to just pulling it out of the package already to go. I don't know how people that do it all the time find enough time in the day.

Anyway, I thought it was alright, especially when you take into consideration that it was labeled "Johnny's first ravioli." I discovered today that the past couple of trips to Costco failed to include the purchase of mass quantities of vegetables. I had to call Drew to get them to bring a couple of cans of green beans.
Drew also brought a fruit filled cake thing. It was good, but I worry about the sweetness factor, I had a small piece and had to leave it at that.

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