Saturday, December 24, 2005

Road Trip(s) 2006

Jonathan called me a little bit ago. Turns out he is moving to South Dakota in July. We'll have to get over to Omaha one more time before he goes. In the Spring, Nebraska gets tons and tons of migrating birds. The girls really liked seeing that last time, even if it took us 3 hours to figure out what those things in the sky were.

I was thinking a couple of days ago that maybe we (our family) could do a number of small road trips this next year. We picked up a "Blue Goose Passport" book in Florida. It lists all the National Wildlife refuges. All the Visitors centers have unique stamps, and they stamp your book when you visit. They are all over, and we could get quite a few stamps with little road trips.

Anyway, Jonathan and I talked about setting a place and date for us all to get together. Russ, Rob, Scott, what do you think? We have to plan around school. (Except I do have some travel voucher money I have to use this year, but it would be just me and maybe one of the girls...) We would prefer to drive somewhere, so if the place is NYC, we need to plan now.

What do you think? I think we should go somewhere where there's something to do. (At least so the wives and kids don't get bored...) Do we also talk about just the 5 of us getting together somewhere? (Or the 10 of us, and we leave all kids at home. Harder maybe for Scott and Monika.)

Anyway, if someone has strong feelings about it, speak up. We should definitely start planning something now.

Just to get an idea out there, what about one of the SeaWorlds? Our girls love that place, we could definitely sit and talk, etc. Or if we're cheap, what about Russ's place? Do you have enough room for everyone Russ? Are there good hotels near you?


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