Saturday, April 24, 2010

Good bye old chair.

The old recliner was sent on it's way yesterday. It had a good run. It was ScotchGuarded, which was very helpful over the years. When I broke my ankle, I was sitting in the chair, reclining back, eating a big bowl of cereal. The bowl tipped over, milk and wet cereal all over. Seemed to take it pretty well.

If you think the title of this blog post implies another one soon called "Hello new chair.", you would be wrong. No plans for a new chair right now, at least not that I know of. Unless one of you are planning a surprise for my birthday, or I go out and break my ankle again, and need one, or something like that. Truth is, we don't have a lot of room for a big recliner right now. We'll have to wait until one of the kids sets a piece of existing furniture on fire, then we can talk about it.

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