Thursday, August 19, 2010

That was quite the dramatic pause...

For the last 3 to 4 weeks, I've had an ear ache in my right ear, with a bit of hearing loss in that ear. I figured I just had a wax buildup plugging the thing up. I have been turned my left ear to people, and asking people to repeat themselves.

I went to the doctor yesterday, and among other things, he took a look at my ear. I had quite a bit of fluid in the ear, and he said the eardrum looked like it had pressure on it. He gave me a nasal spray to work on getting the inner ear cleared out.

This evening, I yawned, and it felt like the pressure in the ear dropped some, and I could suddenly hear again. I can hear so many things again.

I told Tara that meant I would have to start listening again...

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