Friday, May 27, 2011

Still here

One of my friends has been complaining this week about the silence around here lately. Guess it's time to get back to it... Here are some details around some recent tweets:

{May 9} Today required heavy editing, but I think it managed to maintain it's 'G' rating...
  • Some days needs editing. Some days I need editing. Some days I need heavy editing. Every once in a while, I just throw up a firewall, and don't say anything. It comes and goes.
{May 9} Just nuked my calendar to get rid of a set of broken reoccurring events. If I forget your birthday or whatever, I blame :)
  • When I converted from using Outlook/Exchange for email and calendar a few years ago, a pile of reoccuring meetings ended up coming into my Google calendar as reoccuring, with no end date, but detached from each other, so you couldn't just delete the series, but you had to delete them one at a time. I had a couple that were duplicates of the same meeting as well. I've been deleting them one by one when they annoyed me enough. On the 9th, it annoyed me to no end. I deleted a bunch of the duplicates, trying to figure out if they were deleting somewhere in the future, somewhere in the past, or something. No dice. I ended up completely wiping out my calendar to get rid of those silly calendar items. It worked, and I mostly got my calendar back together, I think. It's definitely much cleaner.
{May 10} May 2 - DHL was given two large boxes to ship back to HP. DHL just called, they still don't know what to do with them.
  • I talked about a support experience with HP last month. I thought that was the end of it. HP scheduled to have a DHL courier come out with the parts, and take the bad parts away. I was sick in bed the day this was supposed to happen, but the courier was an old guy in a beat up van. He took the parts away, and for tow weeks, DHL couldn't really figure out first, where the boxes went, then second, what to do with the boxes, and then finally, how many boxes we actually gave them. I talked to them last week, and convinced them that I sent two boxes back, not three, and they should just get them back to HP. I half expect to hear back from DHL again next week on this, a full month after they took the boxes away...
{May 12} Woke up this morning with the "Sanford and Son" theme running in my head. I'm not sure why...
  • "I'm coming Elizabeth!" - my favorite part of the second Shrek movie.
{May 14} I am seriously considering giving up Cheetos for good...
  • Cheetos make a mess. Cheesy fingers, you eat too many, and they give you a gut ache. I ate too many that day. Haven't had any since. We just bought a bag today, we'll see what happens...
{May 16} Keynotes at conferences are a lot like infomercials. "You get not 1, not 2, but 4! All in your private cloud! Order now!"
  • The best 'keynote' I attended at a conference was with the Mythbusters. Normally they grate against me in some way. I will never attend one again without thinking about infomericals. Anyone who has been at a technology conference and attended a keynote address should know what I'm talking about.
{Sample of tons from last week} Guy on the escalator was annoyed that I did not walk down, but stood there. Stairs are to the left, buddy. My ankle hurts...
  • I went to this year's Microsoft TechEd conference last week. There were some interesting sessions there. The conference was held in Atlanta Georgia, in the big conference center down there. I had been to an HP conference there a few years back, if I'm remembering right. I had forgotten how much walking was required in that convention center. I estimate I walked 2-4 miles a day down there. (May not sound like a lot to you, but it's a lot for me right now.) Since then? Nothing. The conference had a twitter contest, where supposedly someone would win a prize for the best tweets. I have no idea if anyone won anything.
{May 20} As is my tradition, my old toothbrush is being left behind at the hotel. Someday my DNA will be harvested because of this habit...
  • No one finds this weird, right?
{May 24} If there is no response to the note I wrote to one of the kid's teachers this morning - I will be secretly disappointed...
  • I lashed out at 'behavior cards' again this week. I wrote on the card something to the effect of "Can we please stop doing these things now? If the answer is no, I have stronger feelings about these behavior cards." I don't know what Mary's teachers said about those things, but it made Mary crazy if she ever forgot the thing on a school day. There was no response to the note, but the cards stopped coming home. I like to think I won, but Tara believes they stopped because Mary's teacher had a baby that morning. Whatever, I'm just happy to be done with the school for the year. (Today was the last day of school here.)
{May 26} Feel asleep on the ouch tonight. Now I feel like I folded in half - the long way...
  • Someday we will replace our couches with new ones that are very comfortable to sleep on. The risk there is falling asleep on the couch, staying there all night, and not making it to the bed. The good thing about our current couch is you fall asleep on it, and wake up with weird aches and pains. Sleep all night on them, and they make you pay.
{May 26} less than two hours left to claim the play tickets before I randomly give them away. Who wants them?
  • We had tickets to "Dairy of Anne Frank". We had other plans. I took the tickets over to the theater to give them away. Not lots of people going in to see the play. Tried giving them to a young couple, but they had tickets at the will call. A lady and her daughter were near there, and said they wanted them. Hope they enjoyed it.
{Today} Why is it that when I eat rotissery chicken, the C*H*I*P*S theme starts in my head? Weird repressed memory? Or jumbled associations?
  • I have no idea what this was about. Just the way I am sometimes, I guess.

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