Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 2: "Martial Law"

Last night, the kids stayed up way too late. I had a meeting, Noel was at a babysitter. The kids were in bed. I figured they would be asleep, but I got home at almost 11pm, and the main light in their bedroom was on. Not a good sign. When I went in their room, they had the light off, and 4 of the 5 of them were at the very least pretending to be asleep.

This morning, some of the girls were dragging a bit. Big surprise. I allowed no complaining, just getting ready for school. Off they went.

I spent several hours at work today, having Adam and Lily watch the Muppets. (Adam called them "The Puppets". It's amazing how some things hold up to age...) I thought I had diapers in the diaper bag, but it turned out that I only had one. When Noel polished off the fresh canvas, it was time to go home.

After school, there were still clear signs of extreme fatigue. I didn't allow whining or complaining. I enabled "homework martial Kate" as a deputy to get all homework done and reviewed. Then we orgainized work parties for directed chores, and a search party for missing library books. (7 of 8 located and returned.)

Someone brought us dinner and ice cream for dessert. I made Adam eat a single noodle before he got ice cream. Emma made a fairly convincing acting job at pretending to eat one.

After dinner a curfew was announced. The girls tried to play the 'be crazy in the bedroom' game, but it was quickly and efficiently squelched before it got too far out of control. Now they all appear to be asleep.

Noel spent a bit of time looking around trying to find someone. She can't seem to find the person she was looking for. Strange.

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