Sunday, October 23, 2011

Days 11&12: "Suddenly past the midway point"

The kids came home yesterday. I took them to lunch on the way home. I put it up for a vote. I should have just picked. I kind of wanted to go to Maria Bonita for nachos, I am sure the big plate of nachos plus something else would have taken care of the whole thing. Maybe two plates of nachos. I don't know. The kids voted for Chuck-A-Rama. Or as Adam calls it "Chuck-A-Grandma". I fear for my Mother when he gets big and strong.

I am tired of Chuck-A-Rama. Overdose for the year, I guess. I'm going to start vetoing it, I think. Try to expand the kids horizons.

I wanted the kids to clean the front room, entryway, and their bedroom. They cleaned nothing. Fantastic. Bad cop will be here tomorrow after school, I think.

Tara liked to use scented candles from time to time. Drown out the scent of 7 kids, I think. I just try to ignore the smells. I have long trained myself to actively not smell stinky diapers, for example. Scented candles I am unable to ignore. If they are too strong, I start choking on the air. This dampens Tara's scented candle parade. Once in a while, I try one to see if I still have problems. It never works, I always end up having to stop the thing.

We have a giant Apple Crisp candle that someone gave us for our wedding. We haven't gotten all the way through it yet. I tried to use it this evening. No go.

It's wholly possible that I should have talked to more adults at church today. I was busy changing the baby over and over. She really appreciated the fresh canvas, I guess.

Also, we have a mouse in the house. That's what I get for encouraging the kids to play outside last week. They can't keep a door closed for anything...

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