Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tara's return

Two weeks ago, Tara got home from her trip. Noel and I went out to the airport to get her. (A 12 minute drive - not on the freeway - absolutely fantastic!)

When the plane landed, Noel was looking around, after Tara walked up, I gave Noel to her. After a few seconds Noel looked at her, and gave a look of total surprise. Eyebrows arched, eyes open wide, and mouth in a little 'o'. It lasted only a few seconds, but I've never seen a look like that on a four month old baby before. It was kind of funny.

After we got home, Noel screamed at Tara for over an hour. Just letting her know about her displeasure. She seemed fine the next day.

I am sure the kids are happy Tara came home. They were tired of me, I was just tired, which made things worse. Now if we could only get them to go to sleep at night...

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