Monday, December 01, 2008

Tithing Settlement (aka "the girls overwhelm the Bishop in 10 minutes")

We had tithing settlement yesterday afternoon. The Bishop took a few minutes to ask the girls some questions about tithing and do some teaching. He kept asking Ruth questions, the answers Ruth kept giving had nothing remotely to do with tithing. (Bishop: "Ruth, do you know what tithing is used for?" Ruth: "I once smashed my fingers in the piano. It hurt.") Ruth certainly had a lot to say about him. Lily sent the entire time with her hand raised shouting "My turn! My turn! My turn!", then when he turned to her, she started mumbling something. Once he was done to her, she was back to "My turn! My turn! My turn!"

At one point, he asked who their Mommy was married to. Ruth insisted it was baby Adam. (Unfortunately, he said 'married', not 'chained', so this answer was wrong.)

He showed them a Widow's mite that he had in a box, circa the time of Christ, the girls didn't seem all that impressed. Kate let out a 'wow.', but it sounded like her trying to humor him.

At least he only has to endure it once a year. We let him know this was pretty much how every Family Home Evening goes... He wanted to make sure we made a blog entry about it, it impressed him that much.

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