Last night I had a dream that I was taking a final for a literature class. I'm not sure what brought that on, expect it's finals up on campus starting today. It has nothing to do with me, really. I've been out of school for good for nine years now. I also didn't really take any literature classes in college...
Anyway, this final was an essay test. The only question on the test was "which of the books we read this semester was your favorite, and why?" I started in talking about how I didn't actually go to class during the semester, or read any of the assigned books, but I did get some reading in, and started writing about some of the things I recently read. This was more true to my illustrious college career...
In the middle of the test, whoever was next to me started freaking out, and had to be removed from the room. I figure this was Tara tossing and turning next to me.
At least I took it in stride. When I was enrolled in school, I used to have dreams that I had been enrolled in classes for several weeks, and forgot about them. In the dream, I would be checking my schedule online, and find this class I was signed up for, but didn't know about. As far as I know, I never really forgot that I was enrolled in a class, but I'm not sure. Rob, Russ, Jonathan? Did this ever really happen to me?
Also, I was once in an American Heritage class, but only went something like a half dozen times. The final was an essay test, and one of the questions was "What was Benjamin Franklin's influence on the Constitutional Convention?", or something like that. At the time, having not been to class much, I didn't know what his role was. I think I said something about how he was a big man with a loud voice, and liked to throw his weight around. I kept going from there. Hopefully the TA grading the final was at least partially amused. (I ended up with a 'D' in the class, which counted, and never retook the class...)
All in all, I am glad I am no longer a student. Or at least enrolled in school. I'm a bad example, kids. Follow in the footsteps of your mother...