Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My current project

My friend hurt himself pretty badly last week, and has his left hand in a cast.  He was working on the house pictured here when he did it, and was only about 10% into the project.  He's not able to work for a while.  (He was given a 20% chance to keep his thumb a week ago.  It was upgraded to a 85% chance today.)

I've been spending Saturday and weekday afternoons working on the project for him.  We've got people from the ward helping.  Here is a picture of what we got done today.  Trim on one side of the house, and several rows of siding.  Not pictured, but finished was also a lot of sheeting and tar paper.  The house is finally closed up, and ready for shingles all the way around it. 

If you are looking for me, I am down the street.  Listen for the construction noises on my street.  I might be busy for a while longer, and won't have time to post here...

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