Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Crossroads

The power problem on my laptop ended up being a bad battery. I've been running on that battery for weeks, I could have just swapped them out and not had the flickering. Oh well, what's a few epileptic seizures every now and then?

It looks like my first tomato of the year will be ready to pick tomorrow. We've had all kinds of Zucchini and Cucumbers, but the tomatoes got planted a little late, had a hail storm, and got cold once or twice. I have some pepper plants too, we'll be having some really good chili this fall...

I have to water the lawn tonight, or it will start drying out.

And speaking of watering things down, did anyone out there hear about the semi that exploded in Spanish Fork canyon this afternoon? It was carrying 35,000 pounds of ordinance, and created a crater 60 feet wide and 35 feet deep. Try to avoid Highway 6 for a while...

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