Thursday, August 25, 2005

Things have been happening here...

Tonight I was called to be the Stake Executive Secretary. I think I need to buy a suit for the first time in 11 years... I have now experienced how an Elder's Quorum Presidency works, how a Bishopric works, and now I will be involved in the workings of a Stake. (Not to mention the year I taught 12-13 year old Sunday School. I think I have finally recovered from that one...) There's always an opportunity to learn.

Today is Emma's birthday. We are eating cake and ice cream. I took her to lunch with me to the Cannon Center for her birthday. We gave her a new Barney and a barney blanket. She seems pretty attached to them already.

The Peoplesoft team is having performance problems at work. They seem pretty confused. They have called in a Peoplesoft performance consulting firm to help starting tomorrow. I keep telling them their problem is database related, and they have one of more bad queries that keep running there, but so far, they have not listened properly.

I feel better today than yesterday, I didn't wake up exhausted this morning. The DHEA and Testosterone replacements should be here tomorrow. The testosterone was pretty expensive, though. Hopefully these will get me all the way feeling better, and I won't have to take them from now on. We'll see.

Kate had a meeting with her kindergarden teacher today. Kindergarden starts in a week and a half, but the teacher did an evaluation. Kate seems kind of excited, we'll see how excited she is about walking to school every day.

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