Tuesday, August 04, 2009

A visit with the doctor

I wonder how many blogs out there are completely fallow at this point. The percentage must be high... This blog is not dead, I am just incredibly busy. And tired.

A few months ago, I visited with my doctor. He's kind of interesting, he definitely has 'alternative medicine' leaning tendencies. I definitely do not. A number of people on my team at work go to him, he is supposed to be good with Chronic Fatigue, fybromyaglia, and allergies.

Anyhow, a few months ago, I was talking to him about my pain flare up, and how I hadn't been able to figure out what was going on. (I didn't have the gut ache that had been associated with the problems of the past.) He did some blood work, and told me to keep in touch, hopefully I could figure out what was causing the flare up, or at least have things calm down a bit.

One morning a month ago, as I was about to take my daily dose of thyroid medicine, the thought came that maybe it was the cause of the pain flare up. Last summer I was feeling pretty good, I realized that was the time that I was on a different thyroid medicine while the stuff I was taking got recertified. I stopped taking the thyroid medicine, since then I have felt pretty good. (But tired.)

I was telling my doctor this today, he thought that was pretty interesting. He suggested that they test me for allergies to the different kinds of thyroid medicine. I wasn't quite sure what he meant, but 10 minutes later, they had me on an allergy testing machine. It had a little probe they touched against your finger, another metal thing you held in your other hand. It had something to do with the acupuncture location for allergies, and simulating the wavelengths of different things. Like I said, alternative medicine leaning tendencies. Maybe I just know nothing about any of it.

They took a baseline reading, then tested me for the thyroid medicine I have been taking. The machine reported an allergy. They tried a different type, again an allergy. They tried a third, no allergy. A fourth, no allergy. The doctor gave me a 30 day supply of one of the ones I tested negative to, so I can try it out and see if things are ok.

I should have had them try apples, oranges, and pineapple while I was there, but that would have been me buying into the whole thing. Maybe I have, it's not like I am headed out looking for another doctor at this point, he seems to be helping me feel better in general over the past two years...

1 comment:

Kaylyn said...

40% of the my friends blogs are fallow. My family has better stats with only 33% fallow. I consider a 1-2 a year post as a fallow blog. Did you really want to know that?
Thanks for taking Adam to your appointment so Tara and I could go to Breakfast. I am grateful you are so good to her.