Monday, October 26, 2009

Book Review`

Tarzan of the Apes
Edgar Rice Burroughs

I have a confession. I have never watched an entire Tarzan movie, no matter what format. I have watched parts, but never a whole thing. I know the basic story, but that's about it.

Having said that, I picked up this book on a deal. (Dover Thrift Editions are great.) I read the book on my way back from Oklahoma. I thought it was pretty good.

Tarzan grows up among apes, fights cannibals and pirates, and has a wild time. It was an interesting story, even though it clearly showed some of the prejudices of the day. (Cannibals and gorillas are bad. Rich American dudes are jerks. Pirates are stupid. That sort of thing. Maybe not much has changed, I guess.)

I thought the book was good, lot of action, a well told story. It is clear that the author intended to write more books after this one, which he did. Again, maybe things haven't changed that much.

Will I read more Tarzan books? Maybe, but not right now. For one thing, there are no other Dover Thrift editions in the series right now. I would have to go down to the library and look for them...

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