Monday, October 19, 2009

Restaurant Reviews - Because what good is a vacation away from the kids if you don't eat like you are on a per diem?

Three restaurants from Oklahoma - but first - My Mom is at our house watching the kids for us, which is very nice of her. This time last year, she came out to watch them so we could go to Orlando. (That was also nice.) The kids got her sicker than a dog last year, this year we were hoping everyone would stay healthy for her. They even got sick two weeks ago, so we were hopeful. No dice. Adam got sick, and got her sick. What's wrong with those sicko kids, anyway? It's the curse of having 4 kids in school...

Also, just about everything out here in Oklahoma has a drive through. I'm not sure what the deal is. Little Caesars Pizza - drive through. Ice Cream and dairy - drive through. Flower shop - drive through. barber shop - drive through - just stick your head out the window, they will take the sides down and a little off the top. Why so many drive throughs? It's not necessarily a bad thing, just not something I've seen before.

Golden China Buffet - Moore, OK

Tara's brother John was supposed to work late tonight. We decided we would take Jani and the kids out to eat while he was gone, we decided on Chinese food. Then John came home early, we decided to take him with us anyway.

This place had a smallish buffet, John and Jani were most impressed with the potstickers. Tara and I liked the Mongolian BBQ (called a hibachi here, but not what I would concider a hibachi grill.) All in all, the food was pretty good, it would have been a lot better had the soups been a bit fresher, but it wasn't bad.

Our waitress was very nice, she even went and had them cook up more potstickers for John when he asked, and brought a pile of them to him when they were done. John left saying they would come back again, I think Jani should hold him to it sometime...

Vans Pig Stand - Norman, OK

Eat the pig. Be the pig. Love the pig.

That's not really their motto, but it would add to the charm if they added it. Maybe I should suggest it. Tara saw this place on ESPN one time, and thought it would be a good place to try out. I was thinking we would go to a Soul food place that served 'fried chicken and waffles' and 'roast pigs feet', but Tara decided the Pig Stand was the way to go. Plus we could drive through Norman and see what the Home of the Sooners was like...

This place was pretty good. I had the 2 meat plate with brisket and ribs, and had fried okra and curly fries as sides. All the food was good. I also liked their "really spicy" sauce, which was more spicy than sweet. And it has been a long time since I had fried okra.

The 2 meat plate was a lot of food, we ended up having to wander around several store to work off some of the food. A really good meal if you ever find yourself in Norman.

{Norman appears to be a small Southern town with nothing in it but houses of various types and tons of churches. Until you drive right next to the University, which is smack dab in the middle of town. I'm not sure there is anything else out there. Tara says maybe that's why they are so crazy about their football here. I could be off base. Any Oklahoma people can feel free to post a comment flaming me for my comments...}

San Marcos - Oklahoma City, OK

This is John and Jani's favorite Mexican place. The food was good, I had a burrito, Tara had the beef taco salad. (Tara would try something different than the salad next time.) I think I ate 3+ baskets of chips by myself, the salsa was really good. They also put little cheese dip things down, I ate too much of the cheese dip.

I tried to order creme filled churros for the group for dessert, I was shot down because every meal comes with sopapias, a fried bread with cinnamon and sugar on them. All in all, it was a ton of food for not a lot of money, really.

I think I would pass on the cheese dip next time. I had a gut ache for most of the day the next day. I am blaming it on the cheese dip, not the 3 baskets of chips I ate...

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