Sunday, September 25, 2011

A lawn update

No new grass yet. Either I am not watering enough, I am not patient enough, or I got ripped off at the store. I will give it another week.

Sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoon, all the sticks (1x2's) I had roping off the bottom of the lawn got snapped off near the ground. I think some kettlehead must have been walking by, and thought it would be a good idea to kick the things at the ground to snap them off. It's silly really.

I am strongly considering getting a piece of rebar, cutting a channel down the 1x2's, placing the rebar in the middle, and making a 2x2 out of it. Then I would stick it in the middle of the bottom of the lawn, just so whoever it is can come by again, kick the thing, and break their toe. It wouldn't be my fault they broke their toe...

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