Monday, October 01, 2012

New roof - 4-6 years from now

3.25 years ago, we did a bunch of work on the house, and tried not to do too much on the roof, so that we wouldn't cause any leaks.  We ended up taking the old chimney down, and worked mainly at the top of the peak.  We reused the pipe that was the old hot water heater vent as a bathroom vent. 

2.75 years ago, we had a Christmas tree in the kitchen area, and came out one night to a puddle of water under the tree.  We thought the kids had been watering the thing.  

1.75 years ago, we saw the leak in the doorway over the pantry.  Turns out the kids hadn't been watering the Christmas tree after all.  We had a leak in the roof, near the reused pipe.  I covered it with a tarp, and largely ignored it until now.

On Saturday, I climbed back up there to see about sealing up the leak.  The tarp has weathered, and pieces of it have been floating down off the roof for a few months.  I am sure the tarp wouldn't have made it through the Winter...

Anyway, I didn't really see a smoking gun on the leak, but from being up inside the roof while it was leaking, I knew the area it was coming from, so I unloaded an entire tube of tar on the area.  We'll see what happens.

It looks like we are only about 4-6 year from needing some serious work on the roof.  I think the only real reason they thought this layout would work up here is "let's get this done in a hurry".  That flat-ish spot is trouble.  The membrane looks like it's starting to work it's way into wearing out.  A few shingles here and there have gotten brittle, so the end is near.  I don't really know how old the shingles on the roof is, it's at least 15 years old, I suspect much longer.

When we get around to it, maybe that's the time to put a second floor up over part of the house.  Guess I had better start a fund now...

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