Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013 Goals

It's been a while since I posted here, but I can type again, so there really isn't any excuse for it.  It's also been a while since I've set goals for the year.  At this point, I haven't been doing much of anything, so I kind of need get motivated.  Here's what I will try to stay busy with this year:
  • Start reading again.  I used to read.  At some point, I got burned out a bit.  I think it was too many biographies in a row that did me in.  This year, I would like to read at least twelve books.  Not sure the genre, likely mixed, likely will include Star Wars and Doctor Who.  I've read a couple of books in the past couple of months, I need to post them here.
  • Speaking of which, I would like to start posting regularly here again.  That surgery on my wrist kind of did me in a bit, I thought I was doing ok for a bit in the Fall.  When I post here regularly, I am generally able to do better writing at work as well, and I have plenty of things I need to write at work this year.
  • Plant a garden, keep the yard watered, and keep things weeded and trimmed.  Last I bagged the better part of the whole thing, with so many trips across country.  The entire yard needs some attention at thing point, and I likely can use some time outside, really, even when it's hot out there.  I also need to clean out all the gutters and above the carport.
  • Finish six projects.  I have some in the build phase, some in the design phase, and a couple that are just ideas.  Might as well get some of them done.  Some of them will help with getting the right arm strong again...
  • Clean up the shed and the carport.  Plenty to do there, I wouldn't say lots at this point, it's not like it's an episode of Hoarders, but it needs to get cleaned up one of these days.
  • Lose five pounds.  I have lost about 20 pounds over the past three years or so, but I have this thyroid doctor.  He's a retired Army doctor.  He recently said "You are as normal as I can make you.  You should still lose some weight."  I've been pretty stable for 18 months or so, at about 214, and my next appointment is in October, I'd like to not have any kind of lecture from a retired Army doctor.  Maybe five pounds would do it.
  • Continue 'Free Form Friday'.  We've been a bit slow at the rotation in the past few months, but the kids seem to like it.
  • Rebuild savings, and continue to be aggressive paying down debt.  Between my hand surgery and some major car repairs in the past two months, we are a bit tapped.  I've been keeping track of how we are doing on our debt load (I include our mortgage here), we've done pretty good lately.  I want to rebuilt some savings, and increase the debt reduction be doable, depending on what surprises we've got coming this year.  You never know.  We will need a new roof in a few years, I want to pay it down in cash.   Student loan is gone in March, and on we go.
Seems like not tons of stuff, but it's certainly more stuff than I've done in the past three months or so...

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