Thursday, November 22, 2007

Exchanging tickets

Last Thursday, we were supposed to be going to a play. Tara decided that she had something else to do that night, so we went to exchange them. I had bought her 4 sets of tickets for this year, someone we know had the other 2 tickets, they had already turned them in to exchange them for a different night.

When I got there, I explained that I wanted to exchange the tickets, and that the other 2 tickets on my account had already been turned in for exchange, and we would like to go with them if we could. The girl found the new tickets in the will call pile, they were for next Thursday.

I called Kirk to make sure that day was good for them, then told the girl we wanted to get the seats right next to the other 2 next week. She went into the computer, and even though the 2 tickets were printed, they were not in the computer. This confused her, she started trying to talk to everyone in the sales office about it, most of them were all busy with other things. The girl eventually got her manager to come over, it took them 10 more minutes to figure out what happened and how to fix it. Once they knew how to fix it, it took another 5 minutes to get it fixed.

Eventually, after a half hour or so, they were done. There was supposed to be a $2.50 per ticket charge for the exchange, but the manager waived it because it took so long. I started walking back to the car, and called Kirk to let him know I had their tickets. Then he said "Oh, the 29th? That's the SAS department Christmas party. We can't go that night. I should have looked at the calender when you called the first time."

So, right now, we are still planning to go next Thursday night. Kirk wants to take the tickets back and exchange all 4 again. At this point, I don't want to go near the place...

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