Thursday, November 08, 2007

Travel log

Where have I been the past couple of days?

On Sunday, I went down to the "2nd North" building for a ward conference. When I walked in, the Stake President told me about how we forgot to have the wards announce Stake Priesthood meeting (coming up this week). I went up to the Stake Center to let that ward know, and raced to the "Locust lane" building to try to get the word to the 3rd 9am ward. I only made it because that ward forgot about bringing sacrament bread, and the Bishop was in the hall waiting for it to get there. (It's the Spanish ward, they only have a couple of youth.)

After I got the word out, one of the other wards in the Locust building needed help with their temple recommend book. We have been converting to the new bar code recommends. They had about 20 of them that had been distributed but not activated. I took their book and went to the Stake center with it so I could fix things. By the time that was done, and I took it back up to them, it was time for the ward conference sacrament meeting to end. I went down there, the Stake President was still speaking. I think it was his longest talk for any of the ward conferences. (He does a different talk for each ward) I got the stuff I needed to do done, and went back up to the Stake center to talk to a different Bishopric.

I went home, and had enough time to pile everyone in tot he car to get back to the Stake Center to be there
for a couple of interviews. We had church after that, but I missed Sunday School because the Stake President called to ask a bunch of questions, then we tried to get next week's Priesthood preview worked out.

After dinner, Tara and the girls went up to see her Mom. (It was her Mom's birthday.) I fell asleep right after they left the house.

On Monday, I didn't go into work, but went somewhere else on campus to work on my mission journal. I pretty much got through 2 months of stuff.

We had parent teacher conferences. When we got to Kate's teacher's room, DCFS (Department of Child and Family Services) followed us in, but they were looking for someone else, not us. The only real concern Kate's teacher had was that Kate was tardy to school 16 times in the first marking period. Kate's teacher is a first year teacher, I could tell she wanted to ask us if we could try to get Kate to school on time, but didn't seem sure enough of her position to actually ask.

Tuesday was the Elections, we had 650 people show up to vote at our voting location. Last year we had 450. It was crazy. We had someone there voting nearly the entire time. We also had an old guy working, he's been there the last few elections, I have been giving him different jobs hoping I would find one he could do. His job this time was to write the names of the voters in the poll book. He messed up the book 6 or 7 times, we had to keep going back to try to figure out what he did wrong. I asked that he not be invited back next time....

Wednesday, I got called from work, because "a server was down." It turns out that an operator got into an application on another machine, decided that they couldn't connect to the machine in question, so it must be down. The "down server" was in fact up and functioning perfectly fine, but they had opened a severity 1 issue on it. (The equivalent of shouting "The sky is falling!") People in my building started asking why I was there, (I was on vacation) my answer was "because people are dumb." Also, we got to bed late Tuesday night, and the girls got up very early Wednesday. They were either practicing for the day they would be in a parade, or for the day they would be in a yodeling championship, or something. You'd think with being up so early and having a carefree life, they would have been ready to go to school on time. They were not.

Today, I have yet to do anything. I'm trying to get the doctor's office to answer, they took blood last week to look at my Vitamin D levels again. I hope they call back today, everything hurts right now.

Tonight we are going to a football game.

That is all.

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