Thursday, November 08, 2007

Restaurant Review

El Azteca Taco Shop

Drew gave us tickets to the football game, Missy babysat for us, and came early, so we peeled out of the house, leaving plenty early enough to be able to go out to eat before the game. We thought about going to Panda Express, but 30 or 40 other people had the same idea. We went to Hogi Yogi, but it looked like there were only 2 employees working, they were ignoring the people in the store, and running around trying to get the drive through taken care of. My patience was low, we left.

We ended up going to El Azteca. I had never been there in all the time I have been out here. My office has been half a block away for 4 years now. The draw of Del Taco is just too much when you get close to El Azteca. (Mostly because I like to confuse them by saying I want a "Macho Macho Combo Burrito Combo." They can never seem to wrap their minds around it, even though it's a valid menu order. I used to like to go to Burger King, and order the Whopper with no mustard. The BK near my office would always have someone that would get really irritated and say "Sir, the Whopper doesn't come with mustard." My response was always "So what's the problem here?" Back in the days when the Whopper was a dollar, we would have great fun with it, Sorrel thought it was the funniest thing in the world. This has nothing to do with El Azteca. Tara says this is a parenthetical statement, so it's proper to have it in parenthesis.)

We both had the carne asada burrito plate. It came with a drink and chips. We really went in because Tara likes taco shops (like Betos) who had jalapeno soaked carrots. El Azteca fit the bill here also.

The place had some dude fairly worked up about the Dr. Pepper being out, but didn't seem to want to do anything about it but complain to himself about it. I asked them to change it out, which they did, I made sure to fill my cup before the other guy did.

We liked our burritos, but Tara had to make 2 meals out of it. I just made one meal out of it, and suffered the consequences later.

It seemed to be good food, they had it made very fast, and were fairly responsive. Not a bad place, I guess.

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