Friday, August 05, 2011

A revisiting of my goals for 2011

I haven't really focused on how I have been doing on my goals this year, I think as a result, I haven't done a very good job finishing any of them so far. Here is what I wanted to to, and how far I have gotten. They are still good goals, but unless I focus, I won't finish them this year. I might need a little inspiration on a couple of them. Here is what I wanted to do, and how I have done so far:

Do something significant I've never done before. I wanted to participate in a demolition derby, but I decided that I didn't want my thumbs broken in the derby. I also sold my old truck. It worked out anyway, since I was going to participate in the July 4th derby in Delta. (Noel was born on the 4th of July, I don't think Tara would have appreciated me doing that with her there to drive me to the hospital...) Now I am left without a good idea. Tara is taking a trip later in the year, and will be gone for three weeks. Does watching the kids for that long count? I'm not sure...

Go somewhere I have never been before. I generally stay in about a two mile radius of my house. I may be turning into a hermit. I went to Atlanta in May, but I've been there before. This one won't involve going anywhere too far away. I wonder if there is somewhere here in Utah I would want to visit.

Read twelve books.
I have still not gotten back in the habit of reading like I used to yet. Having said that, I have read six books this year. This is a little surprising to me.

Do twelve small projects around the house.
I haven't done too many house projects this year:
Now that I actually look at it, I'm at five. I'm actually a little surprised about this as well. Finishing the rest doesn't seem so hard, I have a few started already. I have to remember the 'before' picture, though. Half of them could easily be done outside, but I need to get out there and do them. It's kind of warm out there right now. Yes, I am whining...

Walk 200 miles.
I have gotten in 49 tracked miles so far this year. Not great, but it's something. I am almost to the point that walking to my office from home doesn't trash my ankle for the rest of the day anymore. This is a good thing. 150 miles is 100 trips to my office, but I don't think there are that many work days left in the year, and I am not currently walking there every single day. This one can only be done if I focus.

Can anyone out there help me with a little motivation? Help would be appreciated...

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