Saturday, September 29, 2012

A life changing purchase

Two weeks ago, we got a new washer and dryer.  We bought a high capacity, high efficiency Maytag Bravos XL model.  Before this purchase, we spent years of our lives being perpetually backed up in our laundry efforts.  Since the purchase, we have been always caught up on laundry.  It's amazing!

Part of the draw of the thing is that the dryer works so well.  For most loads, the dryer is done within a few minutes of the next load of laundry, if not before the washer finishes.  If you get distracted after moving the laundry from the washer to the dryer, and start the next load a bit later, the dryer is always done first. A load of a dozen towels only takes about 90 minutes to dry.  It's amazing the volume of laundry you can rip through when you aren't waiting on the dryer.

We will see if we end up with any energy savings.  I am sure we will save some cost in electric.  I'm not as convinced with water.  The washer uses less water, but even though we live in a desert, we oddly don't pay all that much for water here.  So far, things have dropped off, compared to last year, but it's not a full month's usage in this billing cycle:

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