Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fall must be here

Fall - when the schools do fundraisers, hype them up to the kids, and try to do their best to get you labeled a bad parent for not supporting them.  Last night was the annual Fall Festival at the elementary school, every once in a while, we try to talk the kids into doing something else, but it must have been hyped at the school, because they were all raring to go. 

The nice thing about it this year was that the little candy & prizes table allowed them to just send the tickets we bought them directly, rather that making the kids play games, then get other tickets, and redeem those tickets for candy or a prize.  This year, we got to cut out the middle man.  We took the kids a couple of times over there, so they could use up their allotment.

It's not that the Fall Festival is a bad thing, it's just that it's crowded, usually hot, and when not hot, cold and rainy, and in the end, we always end up with crying kids.  Just wears them out.

Kate is in a new school this year, the fundraiser she brought home today was a magazine drive.  I've got enough magazines, I don't need any more.  The hyped it up with the kids today by telling them that they would get a celebrity rubber duck keychain for each magazine subscription  they sold.  I told Kate to find some similar duck keychains on Amazon, I would buy them for her, and a few extras to give to her friends.  Somehow the magazine drive has brought out my rebellious nature.  So, if you want to buy a magazine from Kate, feel free, but if you want to buy her a rubber ducky keychain, even better...

1 comment:

~ Amy said...

I feel your pain. Both you and Tara will be getting a postcard from EvMad - their school did a magazine drive too. Feel free to opt out. On the upside, the kids got a penguin keychain...woohoo..

I don't mind a fundraiser. But we've done 4 already so far...