Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It must have some sort of pychoanalytical term associated with it...

Sometimes I like to tear papers up.

Occasionally when there is a paper handed to me at work, if the reading material in it is offensive to me, I will tear the paper in half over and over and over, just to see how many pieces I can get it in.

A couple of years ago, a guy at work (Jeff) kept printing out copies of a diagram he made and giving it to me over and over. We had a different guy (Frank) that got home from Iraq after a tour, they both came in the office bringing in a copy of the paper. Jeff handed me the paper, I took it, crumpled it into a ball, and tossed it out the window of the guy next to me. The look on Frank's face was priceless. He couldn't believe I had just done that, he still hadn't readjusted to work (or me at least) fully. Priceless.

Sometimes after tearing a piece of paper, if I need extra effect, I will take all the little papers, then toss them into the air. (All while remaining perfectly calm.) Good times.

Long story short, if I were somewhere that someone was trying to get me to sign something I didn't want to sign, or a paper with something I don't agree with really agree with, I would maintain a poker face, calmly pick the paper up, and tear it to shreds, in half each time. If added effect was needed, I would pick up the little squares of paper, and toss them in the air after. Just in case anyone needs to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I know where our kids get it. I don't think I've ripped up paper in my life. I like to fold and roll, but Lily did a job on a comic book the other day that was truly impressive. The whole thing torn into very little strips, like it had been through a shredder. Kate asked me if she should just throw it away. I wasn't sure what she thought we should do to save it. We don't have that much tape.