Thursday, January 14, 2010

Restaurant Review

Slab Pizza
Just South of BYU Campus, Provo

This is a new restaurant in the bottom of an apartment complex. They do 20 inch crispy thin crust pizza. I won a free pizza there the other day, Tara and I went in tonight to try it out.

The pizza is huge. I haven't seen a 20 inch pizza in a long time. Maybe it's the fact that I don't eat that much pizza anymore. Maybe it's the fact that my kids love Little Caesar's... 20 inch. That's over 300 square inches of pizza...

Anyhow, it's a thin crust pizza, cooked just to the point that the crust is crisp and holds it's shape, not so far that it's burnt. Tara and I didn't finish the thing.

We had pepperoni, they had a handful of specialty pizzas as well. They also sell it by the 'slab', a quarter of a pizza (75 square inches - still 1/2 the size of a little caesars pizza) per slab, for less than 4 dollars.

The pizza was pretty tasty, the owner was talking about the nice quality product they use to one of the other customers. Hopefully they can maintain the profit margin, and don't drop the quality of the stuff.

Anyhow - Slab Pizza - worth checking out.

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