Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Morning Follies

Sunday mornings never seem to be uneventful around here... We have church now at 1pm, which in a way is nice, because we come home, get dinner ready, and by the time they eat and things, they are ready for bed, especially since the little kids miss their naps.

One of the benefits and drawbacks to the later time is that there is more time in the morning to get ready for church. This also sometimes translates to sleeping in, at least until Lily decides she must have cheese, and comes asking for it 15 billion times.

I thought we were ahead of the game this morning, because Adam got a bath last night instead of this morning. He was a little nervous, though because Lily and Ruth kept trying to inch closer to watch him take a bath. He successfully shouted them off last night. Today, however, was not without drama.

Today's drama included, but was not limited to Mary opening a door to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and having a jar of pink nail polish fall and break everywhere. This was 30 minutes before church started, and lead directly to us being late. When we are late at our ward, we have to sit out in the hall because there is no room for us to sit all together, and we are not willing to punish people in the ward by splitting kids up just to sit in the chapel...
I tried cleaning things up, but we don't have any nail polish remover in the house right now. It splattered all over the place, and doesn't really match the color scheme. Hopefully more of it comes up, but I'm not sure about the wall or the shower curtain. The wall I can paint over, Tara already wants to replace the shower curtain. The toilet seat is getting clean, but I had to use a scubber pad, which started scratching the thing up. We will see what happens tomorrow with acetone.

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