Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blog books

I just made 4 pdf's of books from this blog, one per year. I did it at a site called They do electronic media to books, and have a blog interface. You put your blog address in, date ranges, and away you go. I like how it also imports comments for posts.

You can find the blog interface at They will print and mail you a copy of your book, but it's kind of expensive, at least around here, where I can go up to Print Services on campus and get it done quite a bit cheaper. For $8, you can purchase a pdf of the thing, which is what I did.

The only thing I don't like about it is how it treats pictures you have uploaded, pushing them either to the right or the left, and shrinking them, but it is an attempt to reduce the number of pages the book is, so I guess it's ok, except for posts where I am posting a picture, saying something about it, then posting another, with a second caption, and so on. It gets a tiny bit lost in translation that way, but I really didn't have a good way to get a hard copy of my blog before this. (They have an export feature, but it's not exactly printer friendly.) I didn't pick high quality pictures for the 2009 blog book covers, and didn't notice until I placed my order, but that's how it goes sometimes...


cvanderlip said...

this week, blog2print is offering an option for expanding the pictures to more easily place the pictures and captions together. It creates more pages in the book but since you are ordering the pdf, it shouldn't matter.

jjp said...

Except for the fact that I just purchased the pdfs...