Thursday, February 04, 2010

Remembering the old 'unskilled' days of my youth...

I went to Little Caesers tonight to get pizzas for the girls, and the place was getting slammed! Bold italics slammed. There were about 15 people in front of me, people coming in behind, and it looked like they had the oven chocked full of pizzas. I didn't recognize what was happening at the time, but as I came in, one employee was getting a cart full of their pizza pans from the place where they box the pizzas up.

Turns out they had just run out of premade pizzas and prepressed dough. Production had just slowed way down. The employees were working frantically. It reminded me of working at Wendy's during High School for some reason.

Most of the time, I worked the grill. I kind of preferred it, because I didn't have to talk to customers, I just went to town on burgers, fries, chicken, that sort of thing. One of my favorite times was when a busload of people stopped in for a visit. Mad crazy burger making. And fries.

The bonus was a couple of the managers always let us munch on the spoils (or leftovers, or overages, or whatever you call them) after the store closed, at least on nights when we got slammed. Nothing like a spicy chicken sandwich and a giant 'fry ball' after a long night of burger flipping. (Those tasty, tasty, giant fry balls...)

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