Saturday, July 31, 2010

Email Spam & Texting Spam

I have been on a crusade in the past month against junk email.  At the beginning of the year, I had upwards of 15,000 emails in my spam folder (gmail - last 30 days only.)  95% of this was junk from servers.  Once I got the junk from servers cleaned up, after ignoring the actual minor problems for years, I was down under a thousand spam messages.  I also got quite a bit of mail in my inbox that I usually just deleted, didn't bother looking at it. 

Some of this email was from online purchases at various sites over the years.  Some of the junk was from conferences I have attended over the years.  About a month ago, I started to unsubscribe from all the junk I was getting.  The only things I didn't unsubscribe from were things I figured were unsolicited, I didn't want to acknowledge my existence and have them sign me up for 15 other email lists as a result.

Some places were nice.  They would unsubscribe you immediately.  Other places, not so nice, they say they need 10 days to get you off the list.  I made sure I unsubscribed from these 10 or 20 times before they went away. A few things pretended to let you unsubscribe, but the link was broken, and you never could.  I reported these to gmail, but I don't expect to see anything come of it, those emails are now in the spam folder.  I may just create a rule to send them straight to trash.

The result?  I feel fairly unencumbered by email.  My 30 day spam folder is under 300 emails.  I expect this number to drop even further the next time we update spamassassin at work.

I still have 32 emails in my inbox, but it's work and stake stuff that I haven't taken care of yet.  They say you shouldn't use you inbox as a workflow system, but it's only 32 emails...

A couple of weeks ago, I started getting random text messages:

from 77893 - July 24th
Attn: Ur submission for a Cash Advance has been recieved!  To get up to $1500 go to
Loan confirmation No: XXXXX
to end reply STOP

from 77893 - July 28th
Attn: We are looking for shoppers to get paid to eat & shop!  Pay up to $50/hour.  For current jobs call XXXX-XXX-XXXX
2 end reply STOP

Now, I don't know where these started coming from, but it's annoying.  I most definitely will not reply to these, I definitely don't want to acknowledge my existence on this end.  Anyone else get texting spam?  Looks like there are some frustrated people out there when you search on the text number.   I doubt complaining to the FCC would get anything done about it, I'm just hoping that by ignoring it, they will go away...

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