Saturday, July 03, 2010

Weekend warrior

I worked on my bucket list the last couple of days - the list of things around the house that might never get done. It's a self assigned list, it never ends, just changes all the time.

Yesterday I spent the day taking the swamp cooler off the roof. It took a while to get the thing off it's mount, when we put it on, we used silver metal tape, which was plenty stuck on there. Then I had to get the mount for the thing off, which took a bit, including excessive banging with the hammer when it wouldn't come out...

After removing the swamp cooler, I was left with a 3 square foot hole in the roof. We live in a largely desert environment, but I figures I should close the hole up. After closing the hole, I re-shingled the thing. All in all, I don't think it's too bad a job for an amateur.

I should have picked a different day for working on the roof, it was plenty hot up there yesterday. I ended up burning my feet through my shoes. And I got plenty of tar on my hands.

This morning I went back up there to clean up my mess. Then I built this nifty tree harness. I found a maple tree growing right next to the house last year, it's the same kind we have in the front of the house, so I pulled it out from the bush it was behind, and transplanted it near the back yard. That was several months ago, and the tree has only recently looked like it was fairly happy about it. I figured it was time to build a proper harness so it would grow straight. It's got a little bit of a alignment problem from growing so close to the house. I'm hoping it will shade the back patio in a few years.

I spent the afternoon staining the playset. It was past time for it.

Finally, this week I got my pack of fake moustaches. I haven't decided if I am allergic to the things or not, yet... In the background (on the left) you can see the tree we are trying to duplicate in the back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like the mustache.
