Friday, September 19, 2008

New Poll

I am going offline on Sunday night until Thursday Oct 2. (At least as far as I know.) It occurred to me today that I would have a very large inbox when I got back. I have decided to start a poll - How many emails will be in my inbox. Yesterday I got about 100 emails to the inbox. (a lot of stuff goes to other places than the inbox and isn't a consideration) I not really sure if yesterday was an average day or not. Saturday and Sunday I get lots less email than during the week.

Given that, go ahead and take the poll: How many emails will be setting in my inbox Thursday morning?


~ Amy said...

Do you really want to take a poll, I mean it can become a challenge to us to spam your inbox all day, every day to try to get it up to the 3041 mark.....not that I would actually be that mean or anything....

Anonymous said...

Is that a challenge?

jjp said...

This is not a challenge... I made that clear here at the office, I guess I should have made it clear here also.