Thursday, April 16, 2009

Game Time


Rob got me hooked on a game called Blokus about a year ago. We played it some online. I hadn't seen the board game version of it until about a week ago at the store.

This morning, Tara and I were in the bookstore, I had a $50 gift certificate for the place, and went to get a new ball cap. The bookstore had a copy of the game, so I got it. (For free, but the gift certificate is now gone, I did get my hat.)

I played this evening with Kate, Mary and Emma. The game said it was for ages 5 and up, I figured I should see how long it would take them to pick up on it. They were quick studies. (The rules are not that complicated.)

The results:

!st - Me
2nd - Mary
3rd - Kate
4th - Emma (but not by much)

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