Thursday, April 09, 2009

Why I can't stand even the smell of Cadbury's Creme Eggs

In High School, I spent the summers working at a scout camp. I worked in the kitchen. My first of second year there, they would go to the Food Bank every once in a while with a great big International, and fill it full of all sorts of stuff. At one point, they got 4 or 5 cases of Cadbury's Creme Eggs. The cases had a bunch of boxes of eggs with 4 eggs in each.

We had a walk in refrigerator in the kitchen, and another way down this hill in another building. The eggs were stored in the other building's fridge. I often found myself headed down the hill with a handcart to pull something out of the other fridge and cart it back up the hill. (I was young and dumb then, and thought that using a handcart to pick up four cases of frozen french fries to pull them up a big long hill with a dirt path was a perfectly good idea. "Young and Dumb" also meant that I thought that tossing large sides of meat out the back of a Sysco truck to people was a perfectly acceptable thing to do also, as my friend Roger can attest...)

Anyhow, every trip down the hill meant picking up one or two boxes of creme eggs to snack on. I needed the energy to get back up the hill, after all. I ate a lot of creme eggs that summer. A lot of creme eggs. Ever since, the smell of Cadbury's Creme Eggs makes my stomach turn just a little bit. At one point they had a Snickers egg that was good, but I can't stand the smell of the traditional creme egg. Every few years when I see one, I smell it to see if it still turns the stomach, and it always has.

And now you know.

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