Friday, June 26, 2009

T-minus 19 days

No pictures for a couple of days, I got a new laptop at work today. I took the converter for the MicroSD card out of my old laptop and left it on the desk at work. The building is locked up tight for the weekend, so no pictures until Monday. Maybe that will make the progress look more dramatic.

My new laptop is about half the weight of my old laptop, the screen is a bit smaller, but the image on it is a lot more vibrant than my old machine. I installed Fedora 11 on it, which was released 2 weeks or so ago. So far, so good, although they changed the wireless card on the order, so we have to start using the other stupid drivers again. (I'm plugged into a wire right now, not enough time to work on it.)

A couple of days ago I stuck all my dirty clothes, darks and whites in the washer together. I also stuck in a blue pen, although I didn't know at the time. When the clothed got out of the dryer, there were many blue marks... Not a total loss, but definitely a partial loss.

I went and got a tetanus shot this afternoon. They made me get a whooping cough vaccine as well. I guess everyone has to get a new one, eventually.

Drew came over again tonight to help, which was nice of him. A number of things moved along a bit:
  • I went up in the attic and put in 3 ceiling boxes. It was kind of hot up there. I also wired up the boxes and all the outlets. Drew wired up the outlets, I got one of the ceiling fans back in.
  • I finished putting insulation in the rest of the currently exposed walls. The insulation blocks quite a bit of sound, which will be nice.
  • Drew started taping a muding the corner bedroom.
  • Chad put in another door.
Lots more to do. Not lots of time to do it.

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