Sunday, April 22, 2007

The FIG principle

On Wednesday we had someone come into our office asking about some machine or the other. This project he is on is the never ending black hole of death, sucking away all time and money. And servers. They had a new virtual server and wanted to get some firewall settings changed so other machines would talk to it. The guy on our team running point for this sort of junk has a little visio document he uses to try to keep everything straight.

I was working on something else, they came over with a copy of the picture. They started talking about it, I asked to see the paper. When they gave me the paper, I crumpled it up in a ball and threw it out the window. The guy on my team took it in stride. I think the project guy was a little shocked, which was what I was really going for anyway. After the project guy left, there were others in our team that let out their amusement. That reaction was a new one on them, they really liked it, thought it was a nice touch. (I was just glad the ball of paper actually got out the window. It would have been embarrassing to have missed...)

I was talking to the Stake President about our agendas for that night later. He told he he's decided to adopt "the FIG principle" - Fear, Intimidation, and Guilt. (He was joking, of course.) I told him the story, it sounded like it might have been the funniest thing he heard all day. Sometimes I think I'm a bad influence on him.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I thought it was the most appropriate response....