Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Playing with calendars

I've been playing with Evolution calendars tonight. I wanted to add all the Cub's games to my calendar so taht I know when to tune into the radio broadcasts. (No commericals and I really like the announcers. If you know another team that has radio broadcasts like that, let me know so I can start listening to those games also. Things like annoying announcers, beer commercials, and auto dealership commericals kind of annoy me. I eventually find some more this year sooner or later. I need to check out San Diego's broadcasts.) Anyway, there was something wrong with the calendar I downloaded from the Cub's site.

Tonight, I subscribed to the Cubs schedule in Google calendar. It worked really nice, and fast. It also updated for our timezone, which previous year's imports of the mlb.com schedule into Outlook never really did right.

Having success at that, I added the google public calendar to my Evolution calendar as a web calendar. Suddenly I lost my updaets for the timezone difference. I copied the public Cubs calendar into my personal google calendar, then subscribed my Evolution to my personal calendar. Voila! Just what I wanted.

Anyway, if I find another team whose schedule I want to add, all I have to do is copy it my google calendar, and the games will show up.

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