Saturday, November 15, 2008

We be Lenders and Borrowers

We borrow things sometimes. Sometimes we are slow to return those things.

Things I know we have borrowed and are in our possession:
  • Drew's mitre saw
  • Drew's router
If there is something else, you had better tell me so I can get it back to you...

We also loan things when people ask, generally. Unless I don't think it is a good idea, then I say no. We generally loan these things out and forget about it until we go looking for that thing again. This can sometimes make it hard to get those things back. Case in point - my old electric scooter. It is lost to time. (It is unclear what happened to the thing, which was taken apart, after Tom moved out of the 200 South apartment...)

Things that we know are loaned out:
  • "Mouse" sander and pads - I suspect Tom had this at one point, but his memory is hazy
  • "Smallville" seasons 1 and 2 - Tom has this, and is still working his way through it.
  • An adult bike - Missy has this, it wouldn't bother me at all of she keeps it and gives it a good home.
  • Several muffin tins - This is suspected to be in a box with Missy and Steve's stuff.
  • Zoo Tycoon 2 - This is also suspected to be in a box with Missy and Steve's stuff.
Why the post? Because I was going to sand the benches today. I want to have the benches completely done so we can use the big table for Thanksgiving dinner. I looked all over for that silly sander, and finally asked Tara if she had seen it. She reminded me that it was loaned out this summer. If Tom can't find it, I will have to call Drew to see if I can borrow his orbital sander. (Taking back his saw and router at the same time...)

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