Saturday, January 03, 2009

2008 Goal review

OK, here were the goals at the beginning of last year, and how I did with them:
  1. Post a goal update to the blog at least twice a month. I guess I got worn out in the middle to end of October. I was doing well with this until then.
  2. Don't let a post go by without some progress to report.
  3. Stain the play set. I got this done in the Spring, and I have a t-shirt that looks pretty nasty as a result. I still sometimes wear the t-shirt...
  4. Finish the retaining wall. I got oh so close on this one. I am about 5 feet away from being finished, I have all the stone I need to wrap this up in the back of the truck, but it snowed. And it snowed. And I am waiting for it to melt so I can finish up. By the way, I think it looks very nice now, and I added about 200 square feet to the garden. I am planting corn this year.
  5. Finish the mission journal. I don't even think I opened the file at all.
  6. Build a bunk bed for Emma and Ruth. I didn't get this done. I didn't even get this started.
  7. Stay under the 210 weight. End of the year - 207. Put it in the books.
  8. Go to the temple at least once a month. Through October, we were 8 out of 10. That was it for the year.
  9. Take Tara somewhere for our 10th wedding anniversary. We had a really nice vacation to Florida.
  10. Read 18 books. I read 17 books, only one in the last 2 months. Unless you count comic books.
  11. Plant something other than tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, green beans and peas. We also had green peppers, yellow squash, cilantro, and a couple of things that didn't actually grow.
I guess I did something this past year. Just nothing in the past 2 weeks.

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