Thursday, January 29, 2009

Late for school

We got our annual letter from the school indicating that they were concerned at the number of tardies Kate has had lately. She has had 15 this year, most in the last 6 weeks of school. I think I was on time for school 15 times my Junior year of High School.

I don't particularly care. The girls are in the school plenty early, they eat breakfast at school. Kate's tardies started when they moved her class out of the mobile unit and into the school next door. At first we told Kate to try to get to her class on time, but then I told her I don't care, she should eat her breakfast, not rush through it to get done early. It's not like anything particularly useful is done in the 60 seconds she misses, they are doing announcements over the PA system then.

I would get upset about it and raise a stink, but I think I will wait until the phone call from the school comes...

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