Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bait and Switch

Tara and I went to see "As You Like It" up on campus with Kirk and Midge. I'm not sure what the deal is this year, but the BYU Theater department seems to be heavy on the musicals and musical plays this year. It wouldn't be so bad if they would just publish they were going to do it that way, give me some time to prepare. Someone's been watching too much Bollywood, I think.

Musical montages aside, the play was pretty good. I only vaguely remembered the storyline, but had enough of it in the head to keep up. I thought they did a pretty good job.

Turns out the disclaimer from last time appears to be a standard thing they are putting in all their playbills these days. I thought it was just to try to keep us in our seats last time. "As You Like It" - good play - some music - and Kirk stayed for the whole thing. (That might have been because of all the rain. Kirk doesn't always stay for the the second half.)

I blame Shakespeare on this one. He wrote in some songs in this one. The Epilogue to the play is lots funnier if you think about the fact that all the actors were men:

If I were a woman, I would kiss as many of you as had beards that
pleased me, complexions that liked me, and breaths that I defied
not; and, I am sure, as many as have good beards, or good faces,
or sweet breaths, will, for my kind offer, when I make curtsy,
bid me farewell.

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