Thursday, March 25, 2010

Windows 7 sure wasn't my idea...

Do those Windows 7 commercials bug anyone else?

You've got this everyday person. They are telling you about this great idea they had. And how they called up Microsoft and told them about the idea.

Next thing they know, here's Windows 7. It's got their great idea incorporated. Windows 7 - it was their idea.

I'm not sure how to take that. Microsoft is happy to take your ideas, steal them, then sell you the end product?

"Hi. I'm John. One day I was in my bathroom, hanging a picture, and slipped and hit my head on the toilet. When I woke up, I had this vision in my head. A new whizzy-woo that would makes Windows better. I told Microsoft, and made them a million more dollars!"

This is why we record all the TV we watch. Then we can skip the commercials. The only mindless drivel we get is from the shows we watch, not the commercials...

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