Thursday, March 04, 2010

It's a nice day for a "Blood Wedding"...

Tara and I went to see a play tonight called "Blood Wedding." I hear it's the National play for Spain. I guess Spaniards are hard up for entertainment or something.

Tara was a little worried, it's all about people dying. And talking about dying. And widows. Those Spaniards. The little guide for the play talked about how some plays are uplifting and show good, some show evil. I thought it was a bad sign. (Lower expectations and all.) They also ran the thing without an intermission, seemingly so the audience couldn't escape.

Anyhow, turns out it was a comedy, sort of. Tara and I were sitting in the very back, against the side, by ourselves. Some parts of the play made me laugh. This was not the indented response, I am sure. Maybe I'm just missing something, but I there was too much forced drama in the play, including, but not limited to, dancing gypsies, an extreme slow motion knife fight, and people sitting around staring at walls.

Blood Wedding - very artsy. I'm not a very artsy person. We also saw an old door hung on a wall with all kind of little sayings written in the middle of it. Wasn't part of the performance, was in a hall in the building.

After the play, we walked out and saw the President's Leadership Council in the art museum enjoying refreshments. I thought about walking in, and having a snack. Possibly introducing myself. "Hi, I'm John Payne, I'm here for the cheese." I didn't do it, I figured the Bishop and President Palmer wouldn't appreciate that very much.

1 comment:

Tara said...

It was actually really well done, just not our cup of tea. The music was great and so was the interpretive dancing, so if you like those things, don't be afraid to go.