Thursday, June 07, 2007

Game Time

Age of Empires - The Warchiefs

Rob, Dad, Dave, and I played a free for all game. Drew was quite late getting there, he hopped on when he got home to play game 2, which didn't happen. I meant to record the game, but I forgot until way too late.

No one attacked me right away, which was nice. When I decided to attacked Rob, I was met up with an army from Dad, and I got pinned between the 2 of them. (I had sent my entire army.) I went to attack Rob a second time, and ran in to an army Dave had over there. I got pinned again. I did manage to knock out the Factories of both Rob and Dad.

The third time I went to attack Rob, he wasn't there. Dave had kicked him out. About 10 seconds later, my town was attacked fairly effectively by Rob, but I kicked him out.

Rob was nearly knocked out when he took all his dudes and attacked Dad. I sent an army up to try to put Rob out first, but he got too far into Dad's town center, and Dave started heading my way. (I could see the whole board by then.) Rob and Dad were knocked out at nearly the same time.

Dave and I were left, we both had good economies, I figured we were basically at a statemate, we stayed in stalemate condictions for over an hour.

When I got to the point that I was making good headway, and was in the perfect position to knock Dave's Factories out, he decided he was done and quit. It was nearly 1am his time, so it's very probible he was tired.

Long story short: I win!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw it as I was being attacked from 3 sides at once.
