Saturday, June 02, 2007


It was hot today. After I mowed the lawn, I came in to try to cool off, but it didn't really work all that well. I decided we all needed to take a trip over to 7-Eleven.

We got ready to go, I got everyone into the car but Kate. Tara went in to get Kate, but she was in the bath. We forgot she was doing that. Does that make us bad parents? (We did let her get dressed before we left, if that influences your answer.)

The girls were excited to get the Slurpees. Mary had a banana flavored one, all the other girls had Cherry. Tara had a Coke flavored slurpee. I got a Dark Cherry Lemonade slurpee. I thought there would be less lemonade in it than really was.

Anyway, the slurpee did the trick. Maybe I'll have to start visiting 7-Eleven more often again...

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